Kim Kardashian’s attempt to buy a bible her late father Robert Kardashian Sr. once gifted O.J. Simpson has been rejected.
The bible was inscribed by Kardashian Sr. and given to the late Simpson the day after the football player was arrested in 1994 in connection to the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman. (Simpson was later acquitted of the crimes in October 1995.)
Kim, 44, contacted Simpson’s estate executor, Malcolm LaVergne, trying to buy the bible for $15,000 but was turned down, according to a People report published on Thursday, March 13.
LaVergne told the outlet he rejected the request as there were already contracts in place with the court to auction the bible off and it would cost more to contest the contract than Kim was offering to pay for the item.
“The amount is why I had no choice, because why would I spend $15,000 of estate money — why would I spend $15,000 in attorney’s fees — to sell it to Kim for $15,000?” LaVergne told People. “That’s a zero-sum game. That’s a bad business model. If Kim had offered $150,000 for it, we would’ve been in court getting this approved outside of the auction.”
However, Kim still may have a chance of obtaining the bible which currently has a leading bid of just under $10k.
“Kim can bid on it online,” LaVergne added. “She may even get it cheaper than the 15 grand, so who knows.”

Kardashian Sr. reportedly wrote a handwritten message in the bible, which was dated June 18, 1994. Simpson was arrested on June 17.
“O.J., this book will help,” the bible’s note reads. “God loves and he will speak to you with his words. Read this book everyday. God has a definite plan for your life. You are his child and he will use you again. I love you and God loves you.”
Kardashian Sr. died in September, 2003 following a battle with esophageal cancer. He was 59. Simpson, meanwhile, died at the age of 76 from prostate cancer in April, 2024.
3月13日水曜日、個人アイテムに入札する機会は、Goldin Auctionsを通じて公開されました。これらのアイテムには、聖書と、元米国大統領ビルクリントンとのシンプソンの額入りの写真が含まれています。
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