
退職の魅惑的な世界では、ディシェン・ラックマンが脚光を浴びるように優雅に足を踏み入れたので、私は再び複雑な物語に没頭していることに気づきました。 「Chikhai Bardo」というタイトルのシーズン2の7番目のエピソードは、Gemmaの過去を深く掘り下げ、彼女のバックストーリーの説得力のある探求を提供し、もっと熱心になりました。このレビュアーは、退職のこのリベットの章に飛び込むことを強くお勧めします!

広く議論されているApple TV+ショーのこの最新の記事では、Lumon内のGemmaで発生した実際のイベントを掘り下げ、視聴者に彼女の消滅行為についての完全で不正な真実を提供します。一方、マークの再入院は、この問題について妹のデボンとレガビ博士の間に不一致を引き起こします。

Severanceシーズン2、エピソード7は2月28日にApple TV+で初演されました。


エリックJ.カールソン – マークウォッチャー


Carlsonの注目すべきクレジットには、The Plot Againg AmericaThe Loud Voice、およびパスが含まれますが含まれます。

サンドラ・ベルンハルト – セシリー


Bernhardは、American Horror Story 、の彼女の役割で知られています。



Ólafssonは、Netflixの「La Palma」に登場する俳優の1人です。以前は、「誰かのどこかで」、「ウォルター・ミティの秘密の生活」、「私たちが生きている限り」にも登場していました。

カレン・アルドリッジ – アサル・レガビ博士

エピソード3のシーズン2に戻った後、Karen AldridgeはAsal Reghabi博士の役割を再び演じます。




ロビーベンソン – マウアー博士



ディシェン・ラックマン – ジェマ

シーズン2の第7エピソードでは、ディシェンラックマンが再びジェマのキャラクターを引き受けます。ここでは、 Severance のストーリーラインの一部として、以前は不明だった彼女の過去についてもっと知ることができます。

以前は、LachmanはJurassic World:Dominion、Agents of Shield、Rise of the Planet of the Apesなどの映画で紹介されていました。

これは、 Severance シーズン2、エピソード7に登場した他の主人公です。

  • アダム・スコット – マーク・スカウト
  • Tramell Tillman -Seth Milchick
  • マイケル・チェルヌス – リッケン・ヘイル
  • ジェン・タロック – デボン・スカウト・ヘイル



「Chikhai Bardo」というタイトルの「Severance」シーズン2の7番目のエピソードでは、Mark and Gemmaの予期せぬ出会いが大学の献血イベントで行われていることがわかります。










Prior to the Lumon scandal, a larger portion of Mark and Gemma’s heartwarming love story unfolds, culminating in the revelation that they are expecting a child. A series of joyous moments depicting their blissful relationship is presented before transitioning to a brunch scene with Mark, Gemma, Devon, and Rick.

At the lunch, Gemma hints at her pregnancy by declining a glass of wine, which Devon picks up on. As they both celebrate, though in silence, it’s evident that better times are ahead for Mark and Gemma.

Yet, events take a tragic turn when it’s disclosed that Gemma had a miscarriage. In this moment, Mark finds a heartbroken Gemma sobbing in the shower.

The scene transitions to a recollection of Ms. Casey in the Macrodata Refinement (MDR) room that belonged to Mark S., and subsequently, we see a Lumon monitoring crew, seemingly tracking Mark’s group’s activities.

The camera focuses straight on Mark, Irving, and Helly R., while simultaneously displaying the content they’re observing on their screens. This scene offers an unusual portrayal of micro-management as it creates a somewhat uneasy atmosphere, suggesting that their superiors are closely monitoring their work activities.

Lumon’s security chief, Drummond, inquires if the containment systems are functioning properly, and Dr. Mauer reassures him, stating, “Indeed, the tech is performing as expected.

In the past, Mark and Gemma can be spotted going to the Butzemann Fertility Clinic jointly. This visit represents a significant move for Mark following their miscarriage, as he views it as a chance to progress further. He wants to comfort Gemma by expressing that his love for her remains unchanged, regardless of the circumstances.

During the scene transition, the camera swiftly explores the corridors of Lumon, before returning to yet another flashback showing Mark assisting Gemma with an apparent administration of fertility medication for the third instance.

The setting swiftly transitions to a tense encounter between Gemma and Doctor Mauer within Lumon’s confines. Doctor Mauer inquires about Gemma’s recollections from her visits to the designated rooms.

Despite not recalling the events within the rooms, Gemma inquires about a room she hadn’t visited before – Cold Harbor (for information on the significance of this Lumon codename).

After she inquires about what happens when she enters every room, Dr. Mauer replies mysteriously, “You’ll rediscover the world, and the world will rediscover you.

Gemma inquires if she can meet Mark following all the tasks assigned by Lumon, yet Mauer can only reply that her husband stands to gain from the world he’s creating. However, he also guarantees that Kier Eagan, Lumon’s founder, will alleviate all his suffering.

It’s currently believed that following the incident where she was thought to be deceased by Mark, Gemma has managed to survive and this supports the idea that she is still living.

Perplexed Gemma requests Dr. Mauer to converse in everyday language, yet once more, he brushes her off with a simple “Goodnight.

The Truth Behind Chikhai Bardo

At Mark’s residence, Devon and Dr. Reghab were still engaged in a discussion about the future course of action for Mark, who had undergone a distressing reconstructive procedure that caused him to lose consciousness.

Devon proposes visiting a secluded cabin to converse with Mark’s inner circle for advice on how they might assist, yet Reghab cautions that it could be dangerous.

In the end, Devon is considering reaching out to Harmony Cobel (the ex-manager from the closed floor) for assistance, yet Reghab prefers avoiding any involvement with Cobel because of his allegiance towards Lumon.

In the end, Reghab decides to depart, leaving Devon and an unconscious Mark behind, because she doesn’t wish to be involved if Cobel is a part of it. She tells her, “This isn’t about me. It’s your decision. Please, don’t contact that woman.

After that, Mark gradually rises, saying the phrase, “‘Rise Up, Spirit’“, which left Devon puzzled as he tried to understand it.

Previously, Gemma explained to Mark the meaning of Chikhai Bardo: Essentially, it refers to an individual engaging in a struggle against their own self, overcoming their personal psychology. Others refer to it as the concept of “‘Experiencing the Death of One’s Ego.’

In Tibetan Buddhism, the true essence of Chikhai Bardo revolves around the ideas of life and death. Essentially, Chikhai Bardo signifies the delicate boundary between these two states.

Following a disagreement between them about discussing emotions, the scene transitions to Gemma (sporting a fresh appearance), seated within an aircraft moments before it’s set to collide.

As a dedicated cinema-goer, I find myself deeply troubled as Drummond and Doctor Mauer grapple with the unyielding 96% progress bar on the Cold Harbor file. The security officer’s instructions for the doctor to prepare for Gemma’s departure, once Mark has completed his task, only adds to my unease.

Later, we find Gemma, adorned in a red robe, in a room busily composing countless thank-you notes to Mr. Tisdale regarding her Christmas present. Meanwhile, Dr. Mauer keeps an eye on her advancement from a distance.

It’s evident that Gemma is considering a pause in her activities, yet Mauer reminds her that Christmas inevitably returns each year.

As Gemma departs, an unexpected confession from Dr. Mauer reveals that he has feelings for her. However, it seems that Gemma reciprocates unwillingly, hinting at a reluctance in her expression.

Lumon Feeds Gemma Lies

Following a scene where it’s shown that Mark and Gemma grow apart after the miscarriage, Dr. Mauer visits Gemma in her Lumon room for a discussion on her current status.

Gemma tells the doctor that she wants to leave, but Mauer deceives her by claiming that Mark has re-married and now has a child. He urges her to move forward, but she doesn’t trust anything he says.

In a state of distress, Gemma resorts to knocking out Dr. Mauer while trying to flee from Lumon in her relentless pursuit to locate Mark one last time.

Gemma, overwhelmed with emotion, decides to knock out Dr. Mauer as she makes her escape from Lumon, determined to finally find Mark.

Following her trek through dimly lit corridors and a harrowing pursuit by another physician, Gemma finds herself inside an elevator. It seems her inner abilities, or “innie,” were unexpectedly triggered. To her surprise, it’s revealed that she has inadvertently arrived at a disconnected floor.

The scene changes to the day of Gemma’s accident, depicting Mark opting against accompanying her because he’s overloaded with tasks at work instead.

Returning to the escaping Gemma, now known as Miss Casey, she traverses a dimly lit corridor while Mr. Milchick swings open the entrance.

He’s telling her even more untruths, explaining that she accidentally ended up in the wrong elevator during a public art exhibit.

Instead of telling her directly about her time spent within Lumon, Mr. Milchick quickly instructs her to face the opposite direction and go back to her assigned level.

As the setting changes to Mark on that fateful day, you’ll notice him receiving a visit from the police who deliver the heart-wrenching news: Gemma has passed away.

As a result, it’s evident that the current-day Gemma is deeply saddened because her effort to escape was thwarted and she was sent back to the laboratory for further research.

It appears that Gemma is currently under Lumon’s control, and her recollections of Mark remain undiminished (provided she doesn’t return to the lower floors).

The scene concludes as Mark stirs awake. When Devon inquires about his whereabouts, Mark remains silent, his thoughts drifting towards Gemma instead.

In case you missed it, the second season of Severance is set to kick off on Apple TV+ this coming Friday, March 4th, at exactly midnight Pacific Time. You can find details about the release schedule for the subsequent episodes in the following link. Enjoy your binge-watching!

2025-03-01 00:10