- Topmob:「医療用の専門用語がたくさんあります。役割に備えるためにどのくらいのトレーニングをしなければなりませんでしたか?そして、実際には、その医療用語のどれだけが実際に理解していますか?」
Gerran Howell:幸いなことに、事前に2週間の医療ブートキャンプがあり、標準的な医療慣行の簡単な概要を説明してくれました。それは、医学部の1年をわずか2週間に凝縮するようなものでした。私たちはスタジオにいて、マネキンに関する偽の手順を実証し、プレゼンテーションを届け、グラフィック手術ビデオを私たちに見せてくれました。
- Topmob:「一日の終わりに、あなたがこのキャラクターに取り組んだとき、あなたが彼の描写に追加したと感じる個人的な癖は何ですか、そして彼が元々ページにいなかったかもしれませんが、あなたのパフォーマンスを通して、彼が誰になったのですか?」
Gerran Howell:正直なところ、よくわかりません。しかし、この役割は、他の仕事が許したよりも多くのコメディの側面を探求する機会を与えてくれたと思います。彼らはシーンを長く走らせ、遊ぶ余地を与えてくれました。自分の癖をキャラクターに取り入れようとしました。
警告 – この記事の残りの部分には、ピットシーズン1、エピソード8のネタバレが含まれています。
- Topmob:「Witaker博士との実行中のジョークの1つは、常にあなたに混乱していることです。いくつかの身体液があなたに投げられています。それがランニングギャグを作るという考えでした。ええ、私たちは本当にシーズン中ずっと彼とねじ込むつもりですか?」
- Topmob:「あなたはすべての人を一つのテイクでやりましたか?それとも、何度もしなければならなかったものがありますか?
- Topmob:「シーズン1が終了する前に、これらの状況はもっとたくさんありますか?」
- Topmob:「シーズンを通してキャラクターの大きな感情的な柱の1つは、最初の日のように、あなたが患者を失い、それが本当にあなたのキャラクターに影響を与える方法です。そして、あなたは始めます。エピソード7は、CPRを必要とする心臓発作の患者を獲得します戻る?”
Gerran Howell:確かに、特に初日には、職業の誰にとっても最も不幸な事件のようです。この経験は彼の心に残っているように見え、おそらく彼がこの患者と一緒に自分自身を呪ったと信じさせた。しかし、際立っているのは、彼がどれほど深くそれを心に留めているかです。時間が止まることはありません。しかし、興味深いのは、彼が同様の闘争に直面している他の人を目撃し、彼がこの旅で一人ではないことを認識していることです。彼は非常に回復力があると思いますが、彼が広くテストされていることは明らかです。これは征服するための重要な課題であり、彼が彼のシフトの終わりまでに管理するかどうかはまだわかりません。
- TopMob: “You do run into another patient, a little girl, who you do have to give CPR to, but she sadly doesn’t make it. How does this impact Dr. Whitaker? Because, at least from my interpretation, It doesn’t impact him the same way that his first death did, and he seems to be generally okay going forward. What would you say? Where is he after that big event?
In simpler terms, Gerran Howell believes that, regardless of the outcome, he feels he needs to step back or disconnect from the situation, as he seems to be performing CPR for the third time. Whether this is the best approach is unclear, but it appears that’s his current mindset towards this incident.
- TopMob: On a happier note, there’s a love interest brewing behind the scenes for your character. Might that blossom into something as the shift comes to a close?
Howell: I’m hoping for Whitaker, but who can tell? After all, there’s a lot happening these days. In the grand scheme of things, it’s an entire 15-hour workday. So, is it possible to foster romance and experience so much turmoil within that time span? Who knows.
I fervently wish that others will cheer him on, and perhaps this support will offer Whitaker some form of validation. It’s my hope that they catch a glimpse of another facet of him during this time. After all, he’s more than just a person who performs CPR; he can also be friendly and approachable.
How Does Dr. Whitaker Fit In With the Other Newbies?
“I Think He Finds Different Ways to Connect With All of Them In Different Ways.”
- TopMob: “Which of the other newbies would you say that Dr. Whitaker gets along with the most?”
Gerran Howell: I believe he adopts various strategies to engage with everyone distinctly. However, currently, Mel seems to serve as a unique connector for him. I suspect he identifies shared experiences or perspectives with Mel, given her neurodivergent nature and the diverse ways she becomes overwhelmed.
At heart, Whitaker shows great proficiency, but he struggles under the weight of too much responsibility. This is his main issue. However, when it comes to Mel, there seems to be a certain bond or mutual understanding between them.
- TopMob: “Where is he at with Dr. Santos? Because I know, she’s always pushing buttons, and she’s always getting people a little upset, and she’s got a little under your skin. Would you say he’s like, maybe annoyed with her [or] not at the best spot.”
Gerran Howell: I believe he finds her truly frightening. To me, he seems to embody the spirit of originating from a small town and harboring hope. She, on the other hand, represents the most challenging form of confrontational behavior for him – someone who is brash, fearless, and unapologetic, even if that means attacking those less powerful. In short, she’s downright terrifying. Please note that Isa [Briones] is charming, but Santos instills a sense of dread in Dr. Whitaker.
Gerran Howell On What He Wants to See In The Pitt Season 2
“I Just Want to See Him Flourish.”
Although the interview happened prior to the initial announcement of The Pitt’s Season 2 renewal, it is worth noting that Max has since confirmed that these characters will continue their duties within the ER for another stint.
- TopMob: [When] Season 2 [happens], what would you personally want to explore the most with your character going forward? What haven’t we seen that you would really like to explore, just as an actor with him?
Gerran Howell: I’m hoping to witness his growth. It feels natural to me. I’d be interested to observe the challenges he encounters once he overcomes this feeling of being overwhelmed and gains some self-assurance, as there are still many obstacles ahead. Essentially, I want to watch him grow, but of course, he will continue to face difficulties.
The entire interview can be seen here:
The Pitt is now streaming on Max.
Don’t miss out on my earlier chat with the talented Isa Briones, known for her role as Dr. Santos in The Pitt series! You won’t want to miss it!
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2025-02-21 07:35